Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wk1 Greetings and salutations

Week 1

Welcome everyone. I hope that we have an opportunity  to collaborate together this term and learn as much as we can. A little bit about myself first though. I'm a 41 year old retired Navy vet of 20 years. While I was on active duty I managed to grind out a Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems Security in-between deployments, being a husband, and father.  I thought at that point I would have been done with school but wait there's more!
Fast-forward to present day.  I find myself gainfully employed as a government contractor at Edwards AFB in California.  I work on the F-35 as a data analyst which essentially is a glorified way of saying I download data into a form that they guys with the 50# brains can read. It's not hard work and it's 180 degrees from what i did in the military (which was survival equipment maintenance). Needless to say, there was a bit of a learning curve which was easily climbed thanks to work ethic and a littl bit of grey matter.
Starting next year I will be moving into an ISSO position with the Air Force. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit apprehensive about it. This position will be so far out of my comfort zone but I welcome the challenge.  I know that as with my current position this new one will have a learning curve. It is my sincere hope that this degree and course will help me overcome that learning curve as quickly as possible.
Not only is the purpose of this blog to meet assignment requirements but to allow me to explore concepts and ideas that I would not normally explore on my own.  Not because of lack of interest but more of a lack of knowing of what to look for.  I will say this though, this program has opened my eyes to the true state of the internet.  I had always had an inkling that things were not all unicorns and rainbows and while things aren't a doom day scenario waiting to happen, there are a lot areas that the professional security expert and home user need to be aware of.  A goal of my blog is to shed light on these areas and highlight the cybersecurity trends which when properly implemented will foster a "safer" online experience.  Oh and I also hope to not bore my readers to deat ;).