Monday, February 25, 2019

Week 12 - Lessons Learned

Week 12 – Lessons Learned

Well, here we are. The last week of class for my Master’s program. I can’t believe that I actually did it! I jokingly said to my wife that I’m pretty sure if I were to compile ALL of my assignments from this program it would probably amount to a books worth of writing. I have never written, and read for that matter, so much in my life. That’s one of the takeaways from this course, communication. The ability properly convey knowledge and to ingest it, is a skill that will prove invaluable in any career field of which that is required.

One point of contention for me personally is my lack of creativity. Looking at some of the network diagrams from my other classmates made me feel a level of inadequacy that I’ve never felt before. It made me want to try harder, and perhaps that is why some, myself included, take short cuts. Thankfully, I was able to atone for my wrongdoing, but if given a chance I would definitely go about that whole scenario differently. Bottom line, I did not and should have allotted more time for myself to properly complete the assignment. Therein lies lesson learned three, time management. Knowing how to properly budget your time can be the difference between turning a polished project or a dud full of mistakes, typos, and anything else that demonstrates lack of effort.

And on effort. You only get out what you put in. I genuinely tried to read as much of the material as I could. Some of it I knew, but at times it felt like it was a whole different class. It was during those moments when I wanted to quit, that I knew I had to pull myself up by the boot straps and try harder. Had I not done that, I’m sure that my grade would’ve suffered. Effort is applicable to many other facets of life as well. Cheers!

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